Let Light Shine Out of Darkness

Detail of eyes on the Veil of the Holy Face of Manoppello, Italy (Photo: Alexandra Prandell)

It is not ourselves we preach but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’s sake. For God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts that we in turn might make known the glory of God shining on the face of Christ Jesus.

St. Paul to the Corinthians, (2 Cor. 4: 5-6)

From St. Ambrose, bishop, Explanations of the Psalms:

Why do you turn away your face? We think that God is turning his face away from us when we find ourselves in such distress that our senses are clouded in darkness and we cannot see the glory of him who is truth. We are convinced that if God would pay attention to our condition and be pleased to visit our souls, nothing could plunge us into gloom. If a person’s face is more enlightening than other parts of his body — so that when we look at someone we either see him as a stranger or recognize him as someone we know, who our glance will not allow to pass unrecognized how much more does the face of God enlighten those on whom he directs his gaze.

The Face of Christ may be seen on the Holy Veil of Manoppello according to the light. (Photo: Alexandra Prandell)

In his usual way Saint Paul has something striking to say on this subject. He employs his gift for making Christ better understood to make him closer to us through the use of appropriate ideas and expressions. He tells us: God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, has caused light to shine in our hearts, so that we might receive the revelation of God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ. We know, then the place where Christ is shining within us. He is the eternal splendor enlightening our minds and our hearts. He was sent by the Father to shine on us in the glory of his face, and so enable us to see what is eternal and heavenly, where before we are imprisoned in the darkness of this world.

There should be no need for me to speak of Christ when even Peter the apostle said to the man born lame: Look at us. He looked at Peter and was enlightened by the grace of faith. He would not have received healing had he not believed with faith.

Such was the glory possessed by the apostles. Yet Zacchaeus, hearing that the Lord Jesus was passing by, climbed at tree, for he was small in stature and could not see him because of the crowd. He saw Christ and gave up what was his own, though he was a man who took what belonged to others.

Why do you turn away your face? May we say it in another way. Even if, Lord, you turn your face away from us, yet we are sealed with the glory of your face. Your glory is in our hearts and shines in the deep places of our spirit. Indeed, no one can live if you turn away your face.

“Il Volto Santo,” The Holy Veil of Manoppello (Photo: Alexandra Prandell)
Lord, let the light of your face shine upon us! Many thanks to Alexandra Prandell for sharing her beautiful photos of the miraculous Veil of the Holy Face of Manoppello!

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